jection from objects and there will be no significant difficulties in project management.
Next are 2 books I recommend the Project Managers to read, if you can read it carefully for 3 or 4 times, I truly believe it will help you to facilitate the difficulties in your project management.
以下是笔者推荐给所有项目经理的两本书,如果能够用心去读上3~4遍, 相信你在做项目的时候会少些羁绊。
1. The Chinese name of the first book is 《跳出盒子-领导与自欺的管理寓言》 and its English name is “Leadership and Self-Deception”
中文名字《跳出盒子-领导与自欺的管理寓言》;英文名字是“LEADERSHIP AND SELF-DECEPTION”
2. The Chinese name of the second one is 《化解内心的冲突》and its English name is “The Anatomy of Peace”
中文名字《化解内心的冲突》;英文名字是“THE ANATOMY OF PEACE”