at I am more tolerant than my manager, especially after he said changing office to me, the feeling of intolerance of him was much stronger. Secondly, I felt that I was professional than my manager, I would just look down on him when he jumped from one topic to another topic and would think he was too much not professional. So on and so on…..
由于时差和睡眠的原因,在培训课上是非常困乏的,而且培训进行了整整一天,中午饭都是叫的外卖大家一起在培训室吃的,这只是一个入门的培训,但是人力资源总监的几个例子却让笔者非常震撼,尤其是他讲到的他工作经历中一次和他的领导之间的严重冲突以及他当初的做法,以及和笔者一样的看着领导去犯错误的做法以,还有他当时是在怎样一个盒子里并且这个盒子对他和他的领导之间关系的危害。也让笔者思考:在笔者和自己总经理的矛盾中,自己是不是一直将自己困在盒子里呢?后来和人力资源总监又有几次的沟通,越发觉得自己确实是困在盒子里。笔者也按照人力资源总监Craig的引导分析了套在自己身上的这个盒子。 首先,觉得自己比领导宽容,尤其是当领导说出换办公室那番话之后,就越发觉得领导无容人之量;其次,自己觉得自己比领导更职业化,尤其是在面对顾客的时候,当领导顾左右而言他的时候,心里会窃窃的想,领导真的很不职业化,看我在顾客面前表现得多么得体!似之等等!甚至对领导有点鄙视的.
After the training by HRD, I was thinking about my thought and behavior a little bit more and I also carefully considered my manager’s need by seeing him as people, instead of seeing him as something on my way to manage my project successfully, a means which I can use to push my project forward or something which are not important in my project management. I quite understood my manager’s thought after I considered the confliction with him in different way. For instance, I was thinking that he might be fear and frustrated to have a tough employee, he wanted to do his job well as he is new to the company, also he wanted to show his manager what a good employee he was. Even though I was out of my box, my boss was not out of his and he asked me to change my office with him again afterward. I had talked to him several times sincerely. I told him that my principle of working is that my purpose of doing my job well is making my manager look good in front of his, that is