【摘要】 分析了传统定额计价模式与市场经济不相适应之处,其主要表现为它不能反映企业的技术、管理水平等企业整体实力。在此基础上讨论了我国实行工程量清单计价模式的优点,这种计价模式要求企业自主报价、由市场交易形成建筑产品的价格,是一种新的市场定价计价模式,能适应市场经济发展的要求。但这种模式与国际通行的清单计价还存在很大差异,还没有完全脱离定额计价的思路,最后提出了改进和完善工程量清单计价模式的措施,为保证其顺利实施提供参考依据。
Abstract : This paper analyses the conflict between traditional evaluating pattern of quota and market oriented economy , which expresses itself in inability to reflect such overall capacities as the proficiency of technology and management. Based on the analysis, this paper states the advantages of the new evaluating pattern, which requires enterprises to offer prices on their own so as to set the prices of building products by market transactions. This is a new pattern which can meet the needs of the development of market oriented economy. However, there exists a gap between the new pattern and the one used internationally, because it is still under the influence of the traditional idea. Therefore, to secure the implementation of the new pattern, the paper proposes the measures of improving and perfecting this pattern.
Keywords: evaluating pattern of quota; the pattern of evaluating project capacity; market pricing