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2006/7/14 14:57:03 |  7026次阅读 |  来源:网友转载   【已有0条评论】发表评论

e governance, will experience half as many major project cost overruns, delays and cancellations as those that fail to do so. Given the resources necessary and the competitive importance of projects, the profession of project management must be elevated to strategic level so that its impact can felt at the bottom line.

Software vendors, with their new enterprise solutions, are unable to reach the senior level due to the current positioning of project management within organizations. Project management is still too often seen as a “functional activity”.

An important part of corporate strategy is an appropriate organizational design for the implementation of projects. Projects are the basic building blocks in the design and execution of corporate strategies, requiring ongoing strategic management and surveillance. Without the proper mechanism for aligning projects with strategic objectives, organizations will experience imprudent financial performance, delay of effective strategies, wasted resources and support of a culture that condones poor quality in the management of corporate resources. One of the greatest threats to business success is an organization’s inability to see the value and effectiveness of enterprise solutions. But organizations must be pragmatic as they bring in stronger project management governance.

“It’s a balancing act,” Ballou says. “Because if the CPO is anemic, she or he will also fail. It may seem easy. ‘Put someone in charge, and you’ll do fine.’ But it doesn’t work that way in practice because people’s habits are unbending.”

Project management in the 21st century is changing. Traditional project management focused on efficiency, operational performance, and meeting time and budget goals. While the





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