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2019/11/22 13:26:36 |  1438次阅读 |  来源:网友转载   【已有0条评论】发表评论

onia or malaria.

The foreign aid to those poor countries orthe philanthropy to those poor countries is specifically aimed at helping thosemost in need.

If we can get an HIV vaccine or a TBvaccine, it is actually a huge help for global equity as these diseases aremostly amongst the poorest.  If we canget seeds to these poor farmers so that they don't suffer from climate change,that's a huge help for global equity. Everything the foundation does is about taking innovation to help thepoorest.  The world is better off, evenbecause of innovation.  We have to bevery careful about if we are making innovation available to these poorcountries.  Sometimes it takes time, forexample a lot of these cancer treatments are very expensive and can't beaccessed in the poor countries.  Butthere are lots of things like dealing with high blood pressure that now we'rerolling out, which was only available because the drugs were expensive and youhad to have a doctor and the instruments were expensive.  Now, that's gotten so inexpensive that wehave a partner rolling that out even in the poorest countries to check bloodpressure and help treat your blood pressure, which causes a lot of deaths.

If we're intentional about it, we can makesure innovation is pro-equity.  Thegreatest inequity of technology is that climate change was caused by themiddle-income and rich countries, but the suffering, overwhelmingly, is thepoor countries.  We do have to solve thatvery, very hard problem, or else it is a case where innovation reduced equity.





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