项目开发分包管理的重要性 (The importance of Project Subcontract Management) 测试计划 (Testing Plan) 系统试运行记录和交接管理 (Management of Testing Running and Control ) 开发合同管理 (Building Contract Administration) 开发合同结束 (Building Contract Close-Out)
项目综合管理(Project Comprehensive Management): 项目计划(Project Planning): 开发项目计划(Developing Project Plan) 确定项目范围和时间表(Determining Project Scope and Schedules) 成本估算(Cost Estimates)
项目控制(Project Controlling): 时间表安排(Schedule Control) 范围变化控制(Scope Change Control) 质量控制(Quality Control) 业绩和状态报告(Performance and Status Reporting)
项目结束(Project Closing): 管理结束(Administrative Closure) 最后开发单位和使用单位交接(Final System Maker and User Transition)
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